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What NOT to Wear for Your Senior Pictures

Elite Images Photography - Dubuque Iowa Photographer

Learn the Secrets of What NOT to wear for your senior pictures and the PRO Tips that make your pictures stand out!


Fill out the form below and we'll send you a FREE DIGITAL VERSION of our What NOT to Wear guide!

If there's one thing we've learned over the many years of photographing senior pictures, it's that your outfit can make or break your entire photography session!

So how to you know that would look good on camera? How can you make sure that your pictures turn out amazing and not... well... less than flattering?

Easy! We've put together our list of the Top 5 things to avoid when planning your outfits for your senior portraits! Avoid these common mistakes and you're good to go!

In this guide you'll learn:

  • Why solid colors are your friends
  • How to make sure your outfits don't all look the same
  • How to avoid your underwear from showing
  • ... and MORE!

So what are you waiting for? Let's get you started on picking the perfect outfits!

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